Investing in SpaceTech

Startups that bring sci-fi down to Earth

SpaceTech has gone beyond scientific exploration – and returned to benefit Earth. The massive amount of real-time data being produced by satellites is having a major impact on our planet, helping to save lives, protect significant sites and conserve resources. The industry has doubled in size over the past decade and is expected to grow by a trillion dollars in the next few years.

Join OurCrowd and a group of distinguished experts, including former US National Security Advisor Lieut. Gen. H.R. McMaster and leading space venture investor Mark Boggett, discuss the part SpaceTech will play in the not-so-distant future. 

– Stephen Kitay, Senior Director, Microsoft Azure Space
– H.R. McMaster, Lieutenant General
– Mark Boggett, CEO and Co-Founder, Seraphim Space fund
– Raz Itzhaki, Co-Founder and CEO, NSLComm
– Adam Kaplan, Co-Founder and CEO, Edgybees
– Jon Medved, Founder and CEO, OurCrowd

January 24, 2022

For more information and to invest
